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O&O Software CleverCache Professional v7.1.2737 (32/64bit)
18.01.2010, 20:47
O&O CleverCache Professional - это уникальный инструмент, позволяющий оптимизировать операции, связанные с кэшированием файлов в операционных системах Windows.Он позволит в два раза увеличить быстродействие системы без модернизации компьютера и риска ухудшения стабильности операционной системы.

Все, что вам нужно сделать - это установить продукт CleverCache, для работы которого не потребуется ни дополнительной настройки, ни даже перезагрузки системы! Высвобождение неиспользуемой памяти в системах Windows займет у вас не более пары минут!

Программа сидит в автозагрузке (работает только под админом) и постоянно выгружает ненужный кэш,тем самым освобождая оперативную память. Кроме того ускоряет и оптимизирует систему за счет
заданых программе задач в настраиваемом личном профиле. Кроме своей основной задачи-оптимизации операций по кэшированию файлов-CleverCache Pro выполняет и другие функции - предотвращает фрагментацию оперативной памяти, а также позволяет уменьшить риск потери данных путем настройки периода обновления кэша.Оценить полезность CleverCache сможет любой пользователь,которому приходилось сталкиваться с проблемой нерационального использования оперативной памяти в Windows.

Here are some key features of "O&O CleverCache Professional Edition":

O&O AutoSense:
· With O&O AutoSense O&O CleverCache 7 offers you a pre-defined profile that makes using the software a breeze. The O&O AutoSense profile instructs your system to analyze your system's settings upon every system startup. Whenever changes to the main memory are detected, O&O CleverCache 6 updates its settings accordingly. O&O CleverCache 6 enables you to create your own profile according to your specific needs. This allows you to load your specialized cache settings whenever you need them. This could be, for instance, when you need to do some video editing or play your favorite PC games. O&O CleverCache can also import and export your profiles as you choose.

O&O Mem-O-Free:
· O&O CleverCache 6 also includes Mem-O-Free technology. Mem-O-Free gives you control over the amount of available memory in Windows. Whenever the amount of free memory falls below the user-defined threshold, Mem-O-Free is activated and frees up additional memory, forcing Windows to swap unneeded data to the hard disk. The result is more available memory for active applications bringing about a substantial rise in performance.

O&O Mem-O-Safe:
· When you save data to the hard disk, they are not immediately written to disk, but buffered in the internal file cache. After a certain amount of time, these data are written to the disk. How long this takes is determined by Windows, leaving users out the decision process. Windows considers system load as well as other parameters in determining the update interval, usually between 4 and 15 seconds. If during this period a system failure occurs, all data that has not been written to disk is lost. Critical data may be lost, sometimes necessitating a re-installation of Windows. This situation often occurs during a power failure, user error, or a system crash. O&O CleverCache 6, with its Mem-O-Safe technology, lets you control and configure the update interval of the file cache on important file servers, for example, to minimize possible losses of data. The configuration of the interval can be changed through the O&O CleverCache 6 applet found in the Control Panel. A short interval is especially important to File and Database Servers that hold critical Business data, in that it minimizes any loss of data sustained in a system crash.

System Tuning:
· The System Tuning feature in O&O CleverCache 7 includes a number of functions that can optimize or accelerate the performance of your operating system. These functions also give you access to system parameters not granted by the standard tools offered in Windows.

System Monitor:
· The System Monitor enables you to monitor the condition and performance of the most important components of your PC System. With this feature you can receive real-time status reports on, amongst others, your processor, main memory, system cache, and the hard disk.

What's New in This Release:
· Revamped user interface with clearly laid-out Toolbar
· Statistical evaluation of the main memory usage
· Enhanced profile management
· Supports Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2

Год выпуска: 2010
Платформа: Windows NT / 2K / XP / Vista / 7
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Лекарство: Есть
Размер: 8.45/9 Mb

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O&O Software CleverCache Professional v7.1.2737 (32bit)

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O&O Software CleverCache Professional v7.1.2737 (64bit)


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